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Use our Venue finder to expand your business
Use our Venue finder to expand your business

Find your next venue with our comprehensive list of local venues

Lisa Thompson avatar
Written by Lisa Thompson
Updated over a week ago

If you are looking for a new venue but do not know what is available in your area then our Venue Finder can help!

On your dashboard

All members get access to our comprehensive directory of venues which can be accessed via your account dashboard or when you are setting up a new listing.

Every time a provider sets up a new venue as part of their listings on Happity, it is added to this directory and listed under the relevant postcode.

So next time you need to find a tried and tested venue for your classes make sure you check here first!

Happity's venue finder feature

Adding the venue to your listing

You can also search for a venue when you are adding a new class to the timetable....

Happity's venue finder

Simply start typing in the venue name and address and matching venues will be suggested

Click on the one that you want and save time on entering the details!

See also

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