Below are some step by steps for the most used website builders, if you use an alternative website builder please do let us know.
Hover over the section of your site with the image.
Click Edit.
Click Edit & Replace.
Click Link.
Select a link type:
Web Address - The link leads to a web address.Enter the website address.
Please see support article written by WIX here.
1. Insert an image to any page or post using the Image Block.
2. Click on the image once and a toolbar will appear directly above it.
3. Select the link icon (it looks like a link from a chain.)
4. A box will pop up where you can paste your link directly or search your existing site content to link too.
5. [Optional] You can set that link to open in a new tab by clicking on the link settings arrow and turning on “Open in New Tab”.
6. Once you’ve added your link, you can hit the return/edit button on your keyboard to apply it.
Please see support article from WordPress here.
1. Add an image block to a layout page. This adds a single image to a page.
2. Double click your image block to open the edit image dialog
3. Click design and then click the Clickthrough URL box
4. Choose the external option, where you can then add the URL link(your Happity page). You can also click the ‘Open in new window option’ to have the link open in a new window.
5. Once finished click apply and save.
Things to note: Clickthrough URLs aren't supported on cover pages and so this means that the Happity credit offer for the page cannot be redeemed.
Support article from SquareSpace can be found here.
1. Log in to your GoDaddy account and open your product.
2. Click Edit Site.
3. Click any photo in your website's About or Content sections.
4. Near the bottom of the Content panel, click the Link menu and select a page on your website — or one on Another Website.
5. If you chose Another Website, enter your Happity page URL in the Website URL field.
6. Your changes are saved automatically so when you're finished, click Preview to see the results, and, if you like, use another of your domains or buy a new one.
7. When you're ready to make the changes public, click Publish Site or Publish.
Please see support article on GoDaddy here
Another other questions or concerns please do contact our friendly support team on [email protected] 😊