You can add other users to your Happity account to allow other users access to the dashboard and make changes to information and classes on the account.
To add a new user simply:
Log into your dashboard
Selecting ‘settings’ from the menu list on the left-hand side
Then select ‘Users’ from the drop down provided
From here you can select Create new user.
Once you have created the new user, press the envelope symbol next to their name. This sends them their activation email; they will then be required to activate their account and create a login password.
The new user can then login here.
To remove a user from your account, you will need to contact the team at Happity at [email protected]
Alternatively, you can create a teacher account rather than a user. This means that they will only be able to access class registers and will not be able to make any changes to the account.
Please see here our article Sharing a register with an external teacher