Invite new providers to join our community and - when they register using your unique link - we'll give you both £10 in Happity credit.
Credit can be used to:
Upgrade to Membership
Renew your existing Membership
Promote your classes with Featured Listings
If you refer just 6 new providers across the year, you could get your entire annual Membership for free!
How to start referring
Click Refer a Friend in the left hand menu on your Happity Dashboard
Click the Join button
Grab your unique link from the widget which appears
Start sharing with your friends via email, WhatsApp, social media or text - there is no limit to the number of referrals you can make
When someone registers for a free Happity account on our website using your link, we will credit £10 to your account, and £10 to theirs as well.
Credit can be seen on the homepage of your Dashboard.
Thank you for helping us to grow Happity, and joining us on our mission to end loneliness for new parents. 💜