To remove a booking from a class
i. Click on 'Registers' in your dashboard
ii. Locate the customer in your register and click on their name - this will open up their booking info details.
iii. Click 'cancel'
iv. You'll be given a warning before the cancellation goes through
v. Their name will appear crossed through in your register and their space will be released for resale.
NOTE: This will not issue a refund. If you wish to give the customer a refund, you will need to do this via Stripe.
TIP: You can also locate a booking by going to Customers and searching by the customer's email address.
To transfer into a new class
i. Find the register for the class you'd like to transfer into
ii. Click 'Add manual booking'
iii. This will open up a form for you to add the customer's details to this register.